Sunday, June 10, 2012

Some News

Hey guys, got some random bits of news for you!

1. The Pxl-Bot 1 Year Compilation just came out today. This thing is awesome! I'm actually a staff member of Pxl-Bot, and you can listen to my track Evergreens II on the album :) It is right here.

2. Vince Kaichan just sent me an unreleased track he wrote today with some new tricks he learned. Not typical dance, but I'm sure you could get a groove on to it ;) Listen here.

3. boaconstructor is working on an EP! It sounds great from what I've heard so far. Upcoming interview to be posted soon! Also, look out for a KILL3R WHALE interview on the way!

4. I just purchased this. It is FANTASTIC. Listen to this guy, so much potential with that sort of complextro (don't shoot me!) feel. Yes, I know it's a buzzword, but seriously. Check this guy out! It's only a dollar for the purchase, and it comes with 3 LSDSNGs so you can see what he's doing. So cool.

5. I also just purchased THIS. WOW is it cool! I love Sabrepulse, and this is his LSDJ stuff at his finest. I'm out to pick up an iPhone 4s tomorrow, and this game is the first I will download. Along with that sick CM.o app. Anyway, this album is OFF THE CHARTS. So cool!

Anyway, I'm off to continue watching some nerdy documentary about post-human life. Check out these links dudes!

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